Tax Incentives for Taxpayers Affected by Corona Virus Outbreak, Relating to Payroll

Summary of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 44 / PMK.03 / 2020

A. Criteria for Granting Income Tax (PPh 21) Borne by the Government


a. Has a Code of Business Classification (KLU) as listed in appendix A-PMK No.44 and has been reported in the Annual Tax Returns in 2018 or according to data in tax administration master file for new company
b. Has obtained KITE facilities (Ease of Import for Export), or
c. Has obtained a bonded zone organizer permit


a. Has Tax ID (NPWP)
b. Has annual gross fixed income of not more than Rp. 200,000,000.

3. PPh 21 Borne by The Government must be paid when salaries are paid, including if the company provides PPh 21 benefits or bears PPh 21

4. PPh 21 Borne by the Government is not taxable income

5. PPh 21 Borne by the Government is applicable for April 2020 until September 2020 tax period.

B. Procedure for Obtaining PPh 21 Borne by The Government

1. The company submits to the Head of the Tax Office (KPP) where the company is registered
through with the attachment of :

a. Notification letter according to appendix C-PMK No.44
b. For the company has KITE facility, must attach letter from Decree of the Minister of Finance concerning the determination of a company that receives a KITE facility
c. For the company has bonded zone organizer permit, must attach the permit letter

2. The incentive to bear PPh 21 by the Government is effective since notification letter is submitted.

3. If the letter submission does not meet the requirements, the head of the KPP will notify that
incentive is denied

C. Procedure of Reporting PPh 21 Borne by The Government

1. The company must submit a realization report of PPh 21 Borne by the Government according
to the form in appendix E-PMK No.23 to the Head of the Tax Office where the company is registered

2. Making a tax payment letter (billing code) with the stamp: PPh PASAL 21 DITANGGUNG PEMERINTAH EKS PMK NOMOR 44/PMK.03/2020

3. Realization report and tax payment slip (billing code) must be submitted not later than the 20th of the following month.

Source : Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 44/PMK.03/2020 

The Director General of Taxation (DGT) Declared March 14 to April 30, 2020 as FORCE MAJEURE Period

DGT Decision No. KEP-156/PJ/2020

The DGT decided that as a result of the spread of Covid-19, the period from March 14, 2020 to April 30, 2020 has been declared as force majeure period.

The following are the relaxation provisions granted as a result of the declaration according to the DGT Decision.

Abolishment of Tax Administration Sanction for Individual Taxpayers

Individual taxpayers who fulfill their tax obligations during the force majeure period will be abolished from tax administration sanctions (i.e. late filing penalty and late payment penalty).

Individual taxpayers who have obligations to submit a report regarding participation in
tax amnesty in the form of a report on the realization of the transfer and investment in additional assets and /or reports on placement of additional assets, can submit these reports not later than April 30, 2020, without administrative sanctions.

SPT Masa

Taxpayers who submit the SPT Masa for the February 2020 Tax Period on March 21, 2020 until the date April 30, 2020 will be abolished from administrative sanctions for late submission of SPT Masa.

However, payment of income tax payable relating to the SPT Masa must be made when its due in accordance with the existing regulation.

Filings of Application for Objection,etc

To the taxpayers who are submitting applications in the form of:

a. Objection letter;
b. Reduction or elimination of second administrative sanctions; or
c. Reduction or cancellation of tax assessment letter or second tax collection Letter,

Which filing deadlines fall on dates on or between March 15, 2020 until April 30, 2020, are granted extra time for submission of application until May 31, 2020.

Submission of LKTP (Annual Financial Statements of Companies)

Ministry of Trade Regulations No.25 Year 2020

On March 16, 2020 the Ministry of Trade issued new regulations relating to submissions of companies’ annual financial statements (LKTP), replacing the previous regulation about the same subject (Kepmenperindag No. 121 Year 2002).

The new regulation emphasizes that once submitted, the financial information contained in the LKTP becomes public information. Also, submissions of private companies’ LKTP now can only be done by the companies themselves (previous regulation allows the public accounting firms to submit the LKTP on behalf of the company).

Please note that all foreign companies must submit their LKTP regardless of their total assets.

The summary of important points of this regulation is as follows:
1.  Companies fulfilling one of the following criteria must submit its LKTP to the Ministry of Trade:

A. Limited liability companies:

  • Being a publicly-listed company;
  • Having the business of gathering funds from the public;
  • Issues debt instruments;
  • Having total assets of at least Rp25.000.000.000;
  • Being a debtor, whose annual financial statements are obliged by the Bank to be audited.

B. Foreign companies having domiciled and undertaking business activities in Indonesia and authorized to enter into agreements,

C. State-owned enterprises (PERSERO), public companies (PERUM) and municipal enterprises (PD).

2.  LKTP consists of balance sheet and statements of income, changes in equity and cash flows, and notes to financial  statements. LKTP should be prepared based on the accounting standards issued by the applicable accounting association and must be audited by registered public accountants or state auditors.

3.  LKTP must be submitted by the company through the Ministry of Trade’s SIPT portal at the latest 6 months after the end of the financial year. If the portal is not available, LKTP is submitted by way of email to the Direktorat Bina Usaha dan Pelaku Distribusi, Ministry of Trade.

4.  The Ministry of Trade, through the Directorate the Directorate General will issue a receipt (called STP-LKTP) within 7 days;

5.  Once submitted, the financial information contained in the LKTP becomes public information, and can be accessible by writing to the Directorate General of the Ministry of Trade.

6.  STP-LKTP can be attached as a supporting document for the Public Accounting Firm in submitting a report on business activities to the minister who carries out government affairs in the financial sector.

7.  Incompliance to this regulation is subject to administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings, suspension or revocation of operational license.

Tax Incentives for Taxpayers Affected by Corona Virus Outbreak, relating to Payroll

Summary of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 23 / PMK.03 / 2020

A. Criteria for Granting Income Tax (PPh 21) Borne by the Government

1. Company:

a. Has a Code of Business Classification (KLU) as listed in appendix A-PMK No.23 and has been reported in the Annual Tax Returns in 2018, and/or
b. Has obtained KITE facilities (Ease of Import for Export).

2. Employee:

a. Has Tax ID (NPWP)
b. Has annual gross fixed income of not more than Rp. 200,000,000.

3. PPh 21 Borne by The Government must be paid when salaries are paid, including if the company provides PPh 21 benefits or bears PPh 21

4. PPh 21 Borne by the Government is not taxable income

5. PPh 21 Borne by the Government is applicable for April 2020 until September 2020 tax period.

B. Procedure for Obtaining PPh 21 Borne by The Government

1. The company submits to the Head of the Tax Office (KPP) where the company is registered :

a. Notification letter according to appendix C-PMK No.23
b. For the company has KITE facility, must attach letter from Decree of the Minister of Finance concerning the determination of a company that receives a KITE facility

2. The incentive to bear PPh 21 by the Government is effective since notification letter is

3. If the letter submission does not meet the requirements, the head of the KPP will notify that incentive is denied

C. Procedure of Reporting PPh 21 Borne by The Government

1. The company must submit a realization report of PPh 21 Borne by the Government according to the form in appendix E-PMK No.23 to the Head of the Tax Office where the company is registered

2. Making a tax payment letter (billing code) with the stamp: PPh PASAL 21 DITANGGUNG PEMERINTAH EKS PMK NOMOR 23/PMK.03/2020

3. Realization report and tax payment slip (billing code) must be submitted not later than:

a. July 20, 2020, for the April 2020 tax period to the June 2020 tax period
b. October 20 2020, for the July 2020 tax period to the September 2020 tax period.

Source : Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik NOMOR 23/PMK.03/2020

Limitation of Taxation Services for Prevention of Spreading of Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Nomor: SP-09/2020

Jakarta, March 15, 2020

In line with government efforts to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19), effective from March 16 to April 5, 2020, the Tax Office’s Integrated Service Centers temporarily stop all taxation services in all Indonesia.

Taxpayers can still submit annual and periodic filings of tax returns (SPT) through the electronic or online reporting (e-filing/e-form) through www.pajak or by registered mail.

To provide convenience and certainty to individual taxpayers, deadlines of tax payments and submissions of annual individual tax returns for the 2019 tax year are extended until 30 April 2020 and will not be subject to late sanctions.

Also, deadline of submissions of the monthly income tax returns for the month of February 2020, are extended until April 30, 2020 and will not be subject of any late sanctions. However, tax payment deadlines of February 2020 income taxes remain unchanged in accordance with applicable regulations.

Source : SP – 09/2020

The Government Announces Second Economic Stimulus to Address the Impact of COVID-19

PRESS RELEASE No. HM.4.6 / 32 / SET.M.EKON.2.3 / 03/2020

The Government Announces Second Economic Stimulus to Address the Impact of COVID-19
Jakarta, March 13, 2020

Fiscal stimulus in the context of handling COVID-19

1. Relaxation of Article 21 of Income Tax (PPh Article 21)
The employee income tax of workers’ income up to Rp200 million in the manufacturing industry for 6 months period, starting from April to September 2020, will be borne 100% by the Government.

2. Relaxation of Article 22 Import Tax (Income Tax Article 22 Import)
The Government exempted the income tax Article 22 of imports for 19 specific sectors, KITE Taxpayers, and IKM KITE Taxpayers. This exemption is given for 6 months starting from April to September 2020.

3. Relaxation of Article 25 of Income Tax (PPh Article 25)
The Government gave 30% income tax Article 25 reduction for 19 specific sectors, KITE Taxpayers, and IKM KITE Taxpayers.

4. Relaxation of Value Added Tax (VAT) refunds
The Government gave accelerated VAT refunds for 19 specific sectors, KITE Taxpayers, and IKM KITE Taxpayers. This accelerated VAT refunds are granted for 6 months, starting from April to September 2020.

There is no limit on the value of VAT refunds for exporters, while for non-exporters the VAT refunds is set at a maximum of Rp5 billion.

Source : No. HM.4.6 / 32 / SET.M.EKON.2.3 / 03/2020

Batasan Upah Jaminan Pensiun Tahun 2020

Menindaklanjuti ketentuan PP Nomor 45 Tahun 2015 tentang Penyelenggaraan Program Jaminan Pensiun, dapat disampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :BPJS Ketenagakerjaan setiap tahun menyesuaikan besaran Upah tertinggi dengan menggunakan faktor pengali sebesar 1 (satu) ditambah tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan produk domestic bruto tahun sebelumnya (Pasal 29 ayat (3))

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan menetapkan dan mengumumkan penyesuaian batas upah tersebut paling lama 1 (satu) bulan setelah lembaga yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang statistik mengumumkan data produk domestik bruto (Pasal 29 ayat (4))

Sadan Pusat Statistik (BPS) telah mengumumkan pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Indonesia Tahun 2019 sebesar 5,02% (Serita Resmi Statistik BPS No. 17/02/Th.XXIV tanggal 05 Februari Tahun 2020).

1. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan setiap tahun menyesuaikan besaran Upah tertinggi dengan menggunakan faktor pengali sebesar 1 (satu) ditambah tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan produk domestic bruto tahun sebelumnya (Pasal 29 ayat (3))

2. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan menetapkan dan mengumumkan penyesuaian batas upah tersebut paling lama 1 (satu) bulan setelah lembaga yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang statistik mengumumkan data produk domestik bruto (Pasal 29 ayat (4))

3. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) telah mengumumkan pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Indonesia Tahun 2019 sebesar 5,02% (Serita Resmi Statistik BPS No. 17/02/Th.XXIV tanggal 05 Februari Tahun 2020).

4. Berikut adalah hasil perhitungan batas paling tinggi Upah sebagai dasar perhitungan luran JP mulai bulan Maret 2020 :

= Batas Upah Tertinggi Tahun 2019 x {1 + Tingkat Pertumbuhan Penduduk Domestik Bruto Tahun 2019}

= 8.512.400 x {1 + 5.02/100}

= 8.939.722

Dibulatkan menjadi 8.939.700

5. Bagi Perusahaan yang telah melakukan rekonsiliasi/ siap rekon untuk Bulan Maret 2020 dan belum menyesuaikan ketentuan batasan Upah Jaminan Pensiun tahun 2020 agar melakukan penyesuaian

Sumber : Surat Pemberitahuan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan No : 8/5992/022020

Government Announces Tax Reform Plan

BKPM and Kemenhumkam Signed MOU